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Mrs. Cray's Class Conducts a Theme Share

A few weeks ago, Mrs. Cray's 2nd and 3rd grade class learned about land forms and how they can affect weather patterns. To display their understanding of the unit, the students made a diorama displaying various physical features such as mountains, rivers, plains, valleys, and others.

Another academic avenue they ventured down was simple machines. They learned what simple machines are, how they work, and how they make our life easier. To show their mastery of understanding, and have a little fun, the students were tasked with creating a leprechaun trap. Depending on their grade level, Mrs. Cray expected the students to design and build a trap that used three or four simple machines. 

Last week, Mrs. Crays class held a theme share. At the event, all students and staff were invited to view their dioramas and traps, ask the students questions about their displays, and, in general, be impressed by their ingenuity and creativity. The students, of all ages, had a great time seeing and showing off their great work.

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