Mental Health
Here is a list of agencies from the surrounding areas with some information on what insurance is taken and phone numbers.
This a list of options in the area that specialize in LBGTQ issues
Provides students and parents from the Green Hills AEA time to talk with a social worker about issues they are having. Clink on the link for times.
This is a list of resources for families and students centered around COVID-19.
This link will take you to some online counseling.
is a free, 6-session educational program for families, caregivers and friends of military service members and veterans with mental health conditions. Based on the nationally recognized NAMI Family-to-Family program, NAMI Homefront is designed to address the unique needs of family, caregivers and friends of those who have served or are currently serving our country. The program is taught by trained family members of service members/veterans with mental health conditions. Registration is OPEN for virtual classes beginning January 11th & January 12th. See the times below. You can register for either class, you do not need to live in that time zone.
Eastern: January 11 – February 15
Mondays, 6:30 – 8:30 pm ET (5:30 pm CT, 4:30 pm MT, 3: 30pm PT)
Mountain: January 12 – February 16
Tuesdays, 6:30 – 8:30 pm MT (5:30 pm PT, 7:30 pm CT, 8:30 pm ET)
College and Career Resources
A virtual fair targeted at sophomores and juniors from College Board. Register online. Will be held March 11.
ICAN is providing a zoom meeting to discuss FAFSA completion and understanding college financial aid. the link will lead you to the zoom registration for our specific school. It will be held April 6 at 6pm.
Is a resource for high achieving students from low income families to help them navigate college through the College Board.